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Make your brakes last longer and save money! This post reveals key tips to extend brake life, including driving and maintenance habits. Find out more in this post by Synthetic Solutions in Zebulon.

Why You Should Care About Your Brakes

Ever felt that sinking feeling when your car takes a little longer to stop than usual? It's a scary reminder of the crucial role your brakes play. They're not just about slowing down - they're your gateway to confident, controlled driving, keeping you and others safe on the road. But neglect your brakes, and that confidence can quickly vanish. Worn-out brakes mean longer stopping distances and, in extreme cases, even complete failure. Not to mention the hefty repair bill that can follow. The good news? Taking care of your brakes is a win-win. Not only does it prevent dangerous situations, but it also saves you money in the long run. So, how do you keep those brakes happy and healthy? Read on to discover some simple tips on how to extend brake life!

Ready to boost your car's braking power? Try AMSOIL DOT 3 and DOT 4 100% Synthetic Brake Fluid for ultimate brake performance and safety. Connect with Synthetic Solutions in Zebulon at (888) 450-2658 to get this and other advanced car care supplies. Or, simply restock online to stay ahead on the road!

Driving Habits for Happy Brakes

Brake Gently, Not Aggressively

One of the best things you can do for your braking system is to adopt a more delicate approach to its use. Think of your brakes as a gentle nudge, not a hammer blow. Apply smooth, controlled pressure to slow down gradually. This saves your brakes and provides a smoother ride for you and your passengers.

Maintain a Safe Distance

Avoid the constant tap-tap-tap on the brakes caused by tailgating. Use the 3-second rule: pick a fixed point as the car in front passes it, and count "one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi." This safe distance gives you ample reaction time and avoids unnecessary braking.

Ditch the Brake-riding Habit

Don't rest your foot on the brake pedal while driving. This "brake riding" creates constant friction, wearing down your pads and reducing fuel efficiency. Take your foot off the brake when you're not actively slowing down.

Engine Braking to the Rescue (Manual Transmission Only)

If you drive a manual car, you have a hidden advantage: engine braking! Downshifting while slowing down uses the engine's resistance to help stop the vehicle, reducing the strain on your brakes. This is especially helpful on those long, downhill stretches.

Your car deserves the best, especially when it comes to its braking system. Reach out to Synthetic Solutions in Zebulon at (888) 450-2658 to get your hands on premium AMSOIL supplies. Ready to restock? Head over to AMSOIL's online store and keep your maintenance game strong!

Preventive Maintenance: Your Brakes' Best Friend

Regular Checkups: Your Brakes' Secret Weapon

Needless to say, your car needs regular brake checkups. Don't wait for something to go wrong before seeing your mechanic. Get preventive checkups to catch any issues early, saving you money and keeping you safe on the road!

Tire Talk: Keeping Your Brakes in the Loop

Low tire pressure might seem minor, but it forces your brakes to work harder. Think of it like trying to stop while wearing flip-flops – not ideal! Keeping your tire pressure at the recommended PSIs in your car's manual will optimize brake performance.

Lighten Up: Give Your Brakes a Break

Overloading your vehicle puts extra stress on the brakes, leading to premature wear. Avoid exceeding the vehicle's weight capacity to keep your brakes happy and healthy. To that end, ensure your trunk is empty of luggage or heavy items and keep the back seat clear of clutter.

Flush the Funk: Keeping Your Brakes Fresh

Brake fluid, like any other car fluid, needs to stay fresh. Over time, it absorbs moisture, which can lead to corrosion and affect performance. Regular flushes (check your car's manual for the schedule) keep the fluid clean and your brakes functioning optimally.

Bonus Tip: Recognizing the Signs

While maintaining good habits and scheduling checkups are key, it's also important to be aware of signs that might indicate your brakes need attention. These include:
    • Grinding noises when braking.
    • Vibrations in the steering wheel during braking.
    • Increased stopping distances.
If you experience any of these signs, don't hesitate to seek professional help immediately.

Extend brake life with AMSOIL's car care products in Zebulon. Need tailored advice? Reach out to Synthetic Solutions at (888) 450-2658. Plus, ensure you're always equipped with the finest by replenishing your essentials at AMSOIL's online shop!