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Taking the wheel at night can expose you to poor lighting and visibility conditions. For tips on how to stay safe when driving at night, read this post by Synthetic Solutions in Zebulon.

Reduced visibility makes driving at night dangerous. So much so that 50% of traffic fatalities occur at night, according to information by the National Safety Council. Still, there are circumstances in which there is no choice but to take the wheel after dark. For example, some people have to go out at night to attend night school or because they leave work at late hours. In any case, learning the necessary preventive measures to face night driving is essential. To that end, continue reading the tips listed below.

Rely on the most efficient synthetic oil change in Zebulon to keep your engine in top shape. Reach out to Synthetic Solutions at (888) 450-2658 and talk to their oil experts about the most suitable formulas for your engine. Don't forget to browse AMSOIL's online store to explore the complete range of AMSOIL products.

How to Stay Safe While Driving at Night

Check Your Car's Lights

Your vehicle's lighting system is paramount when it comes to night driving. Like any other driver, you depend on having clean, well-positioned lights to light your way at night. Hence, it's critical that you check all the lights from time to time to ensure they're in good working order. To check your lights, start by turning them on and off a few times to see if they respond well. When doing so, ask a friend or neighbor to look at the lights to see if they are slow to turn on, emit a dim light, or flicker. Any detected malfunction could be due to a burned-out or improperly positioned bulb. If you have such problems, have your bulbs checked and replaced by your dealer or mechanic. Next, check the cleanliness of the lenses, as any specks of dirt could obstruct the light. If your lenses have seen better days, opt to clean them with a soft brush. Finally, check the position of the headlights to ensure that your car's light beams aim at the road correctly.

Get Regular Eye Exams

Your vision is responsible for your driving performance, especially at night. That's why we recommend you visit your eye doctor at least once a year. Even if you think your eyesight is fine, seeing a specialist is crucial to detect developing conditions. Let's say, for example, you are developing nearsightedness. As a driver, seeing distant objects appear blurry may not significantly hinder your daytime driving, yet, it can be dangerous at night. Hence the importance of getting your eyes checked periodically.

Contact Synthetic Solutions at (888) 450-2658 and talk to their oil pros about the benefits of switching to the top-performing synthetic oil in Zebulon. Don't forget to visit AMSOIL's online store to learn about AMSOIL's wide range of oils and products.

Avoid Getting Dazzled

As you know, the eyes are continuously adapting to changes in light. During the day, the pupil contracts to protect the eye from getting dazzled by sunlight. As night falls, the pupil dilates to let more light into the eye. Once darkness sets in, the pupil reaches its maximum opening so the eye can maintain its vision. In that state, the eye is most sensitive to light, hence more vulnerable to glare and night blindness. Getting dazzled can be highly dangerous behind the wheel. Although it takes about five seconds for the eye's pupil to adjust to light and regain vision, losing sight of the road is a major risk. That's why, as a driver, you must prevent glare by avoiding looking into other cars' headlights. Also, avoid looking at your rearview mirror if the driver behind you has high beams on. The safest and most appropriate thing in such a situation is to pull over and let them pass.

Slow Down

Next, we recommend you to drive at a safe speed at night, especially on poorly lit roads outside the city. Following this advice is essential as reduced visibility makes it much more difficult to react to obstacles behind the wheel. Suppose, for example, a deer in the middle of the road surprises you while driving after dark. In such a case, it would be easier for you to brake safely at 60 mph than at 80 mph. So, the lower your driving visibility, the lower your speed should be.

Avoid Drowsy Driving

Being drowsy behind the wheel is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol; that's why we recommend you avoid driving when tired as much as possible. If you have to set off at night, take a nap beforehand to have more energy. In case you suddenly feel drowsiness while already on the road, stop as soon as possible in a safe place and sleep for at least 20 minutes to mitigate your fatigue. Of course, energy drinks and coffee are of great help in these cases.

Taking good care of your engine is also crucial to stay safe while driving at night. For advice on which products to use for your car's maintenance, reach out to the oil pros at Synthetic Solutions at (888) 450-2658. Don't forget to visit AMSOIL's online store to place an order for the most effective synthetic oil in Zebulon.